
Training - „Wzmocnienie systemu wsparcia osób z spektrum autyzmu (ASD) w Gruzji”
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The training "Wzmocnienie systemu wsparcia osób z spectrum autyzmu (ASD) w Gruzji" was held at the Camillians Medical Center. The project aimed to strengthen the support system for children with an autism spectrum disorder in Georgia.

Within the framework of the project, the founder and head of the SOLIS RADIUS Center for Children and Autism in Rzeszow, Poland visited the center; a Neurologist; ADAT-2, ADIR, BOSCC, STAT TEST, M CHAT r Certified Specialist Agatha Penionzek. She shared with the Camillians team both theoretical and practical knowledge and experience related to the specifics of the job. During the training, the modern guidelines according to the international rehabilitation centers are guided were discussed.

The project also included specialist supervision by an international trainer, with members of the Camillians team assessing the multifunctional development of the children and developing an individual plan for working with patients. For more visuals, their patients' cases were discussed at the end of each training session.

The project was created in collaboration with the Polish Foundation Prospe and the Camillians Medical Center. Program RITA - Project "Region in Transition" is co-funded by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. RITA "Region in Transition" program is implemented by the Education for Democracy Foundation.